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Adult groups

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works"

- Hebrews 10:24

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Men's & Women's Ministry

On the 2nd Saturday of every month, our men meet for breakfast & to discuss a Biblical theme. We want to grow as men together! Come at 8:30 for food, fellowship, and gospel growth.


Women's Bible study meets the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month at 10am. This group is for women of all ages to grow together in Christ. Currently, we're studying Women of the Bible.

Small Groups

Following Christ isn't just for Sunday mornings. Village Green is your church family all week long!


One of our primary ways of building community is through small groups. You and a group of around 10 people will meet regularly to encourage each other, study the Bible, and pray for each other.


Small groups can meet at the church or in homes. Some are for certain ages, while others are intergenerational. Some go through a book of the Bible, others look at a different topic each week.



Shalom Coffee House

Shalom Coffee House meets every second Tuesday of the month at noon. A meal is provided, along with crafts and a time of fellowship with others. Everyone is welcome!




200 S Lambert Rd

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

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©2035 by Village Green Church.

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